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Hong Kong, Greek shipowners unite on UN's 2050 clean fuel demand

Release time: 2019-06-12   Browsing:1103次

THE Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) and the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS) say the UN should put its money where its mouth is when it comes to demanding super clean fuels in the distant future.
"These new fuels and technologies will have to be provided through massive investment in research and development," said their joint communique issued after the UN's International Maritime Organisation's meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee in London. 
"The shipping industry calls on the UN IMO to play a more proactive, leading role in the advancement of this research and development," said the communique.
The communique said such emissions reduction require "breakthrough technologies tested and suitable for vessels spending long periods at sea if environmental rules are to be effective and sustainable without distorting competition.
The UGS and the HKSOA also welcomed the decision of the IMO committee to endorse the proposal by the EU on harmonisation of rules on the discharges of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) into waters in view of the contradictions and uncertainties.