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HMM ship collided near Algeciras

Release time: 2024-12-11   Browsing:279次
In the early hours of December 3 local time, about 14 kilometers southeast of the port of Algeciras near the Strait of Gibraltar,The HMM St Petersburg, a very large container ship owned by HMM, collided with the Gloria Maris, a Greek-managed crude oil tanker.The ship has been attached to four domestic ports, serving the alliance FE4 route (FE4:Far East-Europe 4),At that time, the cargo was fully loaded from the Chinese port of Yantian, after a six-week voyage around Africa, the original plan was to stop at the port of Arceciras, and then continue its journey on the Asia-Europe route, which calls on the four ports of Tianjin New Port, Qingdao, Shanghai and Shenzhen Yantian.