Maersk announced a PSS levy of up to $2,000
Release time:
Far East - South America East route: general product: $1000, high cube: $2000. Effective from May 1 to May 31, 2024.
Africa route: general product: $1000, high cube: $2000. Effective from May 6 to 24.
China - West Africa route: general product: $700, high cube: $1400. The effective date is April 29.Saudi Arabia route: $650 for Twenty feetEquivalentUnits and Flatrack R.F R efrigerator, $900 for Forty feetEquivalentUnits and Flatrack R.F R efrigerator. The effective date is May 1.
North China, South Korea-India routes: $750 for all containers. Effective from May 1 to 24.