Drought Relief! Panama Canal eases traffic restrictions ahead of shipping season!
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The Panama Canal Authority said this week that restrictions would be gradually relaxed as the drought eased and water levels in the Panama Canal showed signs of recovering.
The global shipping supply chain will move from the two-canal crisis phase to 1.5 canal crises to the remaining Suez Canal crisis. Daily traffic through the Panama Canal is expected to increase ahead of this year's shipping season, releasing some of the available capacity.
As far back as may last year, the ACP had to cut the number of daily trips on the canal as Panama suffered its worst drought on record. ACP said in a statement last week. According to the data, the tonnage of goods crossing the Panama Canal has been reduced by a third.
The global shipping supply chain will move from the two-canal crisis phase to 1.5 canal crises to the remaining Suez Canal crisis. Daily traffic through the Panama Canal is expected to increase ahead of this year's shipping season, releasing some of the available capacity.
As far back as may last year, the ACP had to cut the number of daily trips on the canal as Panama suffered its worst drought on record. ACP said in a statement last week. According to the data, the tonnage of goods crossing the Panama Canal has been reduced by a third.