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India's largest container port is suffering from severe congestion, and the market is facing a triple whammy of rising prices, shortage of containers and bursting of warehouses.

Release time: 2023-03-23   Browsing:705次
India's largest container port, Nhava Sheva, is facing severe congestion as the AMP terminal in Mumbai is undergoing infrastructure upgrades and a large amount of cargo is being diverted to other ports, according to ONE Shipping.
Sources pointed out that the port lifting equipment upgrade has resulted in the closure of a berth at the APM Terminal in Mumbai. The number of affiliated vessels handled by the APM terminal in Mumbai has been reduced by more than half, from the normal 13 vessels to 6 vessels per week.
In recent days, some shippers have chosen to unload their containers destined for Nhava Sheva at other ports, with predictable costs and other consequences for importers. Freight forwarding sources said there would be other potential supply chain issues as the impact of congestion increases.